Tips for Children’s Ministry | Intro


I do not in ANY way, shape or form claim to have all the answers to Sunday school, bus ministry and children’s ministry in general… not even close!

While there are some things I think our Sunday School does really well, sadly, there are others that we are just not very good at. BUT we want to ALWAYS get better!


I am sure that there are MANY things that you and your children’s ministry does that are far better than anything I know about and I WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THEM! Please post your comments at the bottom of any of these pages or just send me an email to

I use good ideas whenever and wherever I find because our Sunday school and bus ministry ALWAYS NEED TO GET BETTER! We are constantly trying to find out what works best and I have found that there are few things guaranteed to work for ALL Sunday School programs. Sometimes you just have to get a new idea and play with it and tweak it until it works for you. Every church is different and you will need to adjust anything you hear from someone else to fit your situation.

Please feel free to take what you can from this website and feel free to ask me ANY QUESTIONS THAT WOULD LIKE TO!

Use anything on this website that works for you and discard or shelve away the rest. LET’S JUST HAVE GREAT SUNDAY SCHOOL AND SEE KIDS SAVED!

Part 1 – Have a Burden For Your Students 
Part 2 – Get More Kids To Come To Sunday School
Part 3 – Make Them Want To Come Back
Part 4 – Teach Them How To Be Saved
Part 5 – Give Them the Opportunity to be Saved
Part 6 – Disciple Them Until They Get it For Themselves

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