Have you Prepared Your Heart? | Spinning Eggs

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What you need

  • One hard-boiled egg
  • One raw egg
  • Hard surface to spin the eggs on


Hold up the two eggs.

Today I have two eggs. One of them is raw and one of them is hard boiled. I can’t tell the difference. However, if I were to ask one of you here to eat one of these eggs which one would you want?

Unless your class is composed of crazy people they should choose the hard-boiled egg.

Yes, we definitely want the egg that has been prepared.  No one wants to eat an egg that is raw and that isn’t ready… unless you want salmonella.

That is the same way with God. God wants those of us that are ready. Those that have prepared their hearts.

But how on Earth are we supposed to tell the difference? Well, one way that we could tell is to smash them both completely and see what’s on the inside. But that’s really messy and very destructive and while that would probably be a lot of fun, the cleanup would take a while.

These eggs LOOK the same, feel the same, came from the same carton, bought from the same store, probably from the same farm.  They are a lot like people!  Sometimes you can’t tell what is on the inside just from looking at the outside… although sometimes you tell you are dealing with a bad egg just by looking at it… but I digress.

Sometimes bad things can happen to us and when they do the people around us will instantly know if we are living for God or not. People can see immediately, if we respond the way that God wants us to that something about us is different.  When we have prepared our hearts correctly, weird things don’t have the same effect on us as they do on those that are unprepared.

Sometimes situations come up in your life. These things are called trials and they are tough times when God allows things to happen to us to test us. Things that will let Him and ourselves know if we are serious about living for God or not. Life can spin a surround, make us all dizzy and confused but if we’re living for God we’re going to be okay.

Spin the 2 Eggs one at a time. The egg that is hard boiled will spin like a top but the raw egg will wobble all over the place and stop immediately. The egg that is spins correctly is the one that has its heart prepared (is hard-boiled)

Show the kids that you were able to pick them apart after the spinning by cracking the eggs open and showing the insides.

Prepare your heart for the tough times that will come.  Living for God is the best and ONLY way to live.

Now you talk to your kids about HOW to prepare their hearts. Talk about the plan of salvation, repentance, baptism in Jesus and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.


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