Kingdom Kids Conference 2018

If you have not already heard about Kingdom Kids Conference then you are about to be introduced to an incredible event.

Each year in conjunction with the Summit conference held in Pigeon Forge, TN, there is also a one-of-a-kind, truly apostolic, no holds barred, incredible, explosive series of church services held exclusively for our children!  There are INCREDIBLE props, sword fights, songs, games, object lessons, great altar calls, kids being filled with the Holy Ghost and so much more!  We have knights, a King, the evil Demas and his henchman and who knows what new characters will show up this year.

You truly don’t want to miss this awesome time as either a child OR as a volunteer that wants to get involved!  We NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET!  If you are an Apostolic with experience in children’s ministry who wants to get involved in an awesome event that will inspire you and make your home church better, COME JOIN US!  Send an email to and let us know if you plan on attending and we get you included.

Pre-register today at!

For more information on the Summit Conference click here.

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