Resurrecting Envelopes

Angle 1:

Angle 2:


  • 1 big envelope (called E1 in this lesson)
  • 2 medium envelopes(called E2 in this lesson)
  • 2 medium/small envelopes (called E3 in this lesson)
  • 2 small envelopes (called E4 in this lesson)
  • Quarter or some other coin
  • Any type of tape


  1. Before you perform this lesson you need to write “GUARDS” on the big envelope (E1).
  2. Write “STONE” EXACTLY the same way on BOTH of the “E2” envelopes.
  3. Write “TOMB” EXACTLY the same way on BOTH of the “E3” envelopes.
  4. Write “GRAVE CLOTHES” EXACTLY the same way on BOTH of the “E4” envelopes.
  5. Close one of the two E4 envelopes and put a piece of tape sealing it closed.  Remember as closely as possible how you did it so you can replicate it later.
  6. Put the sealed E4 envelope in one of the E3 envelopes
  7. Put the two envelopes from step #6 into one of the E2 envelopes and put a tiny mark on it so you can tell which of the E2 envelopes contains the sealed, empty E4 envelope.
  8. Put the 3 envelopes from step #7 into envelope E1.  Make sure you can see the little mark you made on E2 by looking into the E1.  This will allow you to be able to tell which envelope you need to grab later on.
  9. Lay out on a table envelope E1 (containing all of the nested “rigged” envelopes) and the OTHER as yet unused E2, E3 and E4.


Begin by telling the story of the death and burial of Jesus.  Explain just how BADLY the chief priests and Pharisees hated Jesus and to make SURE that His body could never be stolen or that He could never come out of the grave they took extensive measures.

envelopes1Pull out the quarter or ask someone in the audience to give you one to use.  Explain that for the purposes of this lesson that this quarter will represent Jesus.

The first thing they did to Jesus was to wrap His body in grave clothes.

In full view of the audience, put the quarter into envelope E4 labeled “GRAVE CLOTHES”. Hold up the envelope to the light and let them see through the envelope so they know it is REALLY in there.

Tape the envelope closed in exactly the same way that you taped the OTHER envelope E4 and hold it up.

envelopes2So Jesus was wrapped in the grave clothes and then His body was put into a tomb.

In full view of the audience, put the envelope E4 into envelope E3 labeled “TOMB”.

Now they knew that Jesus would never rise again but just to make sure they put a HUGE stone in front of the tomb to seal Him in.

envelopes3Put envelope E3 into envelope E2 labeled “STONE”.

Jesus was TRAPPED! But they weren’t done yet!  They then picked their biggest, meanest, hairiest and scariest guards in front of the tomb!

Put envelope E2 into envelope E1 labeled “GUARDS”.

envelopes4Make sure they you do this as inconspicuously as possible.  With the other envelope already in there sometimes it can be tough to get the 2nd one inside.  Also, try to remember if you put it at the front or back so you can get the OTHER one easily (you can always refer to the mark you made previously but it never hurts to be careful).

So now Jesus is TRAPPED!  He could NEVER rise from the dead now. RIGHT?!

PLAY THIS UP BIG:  “But SUDDENLY, there came a HUGE earthquake and an angel appeared and those guards were scared SO BADLY THAT THEY RAN AWAY!!”

Pull out the RIGGED E2 envelope labeled “STONE” that has the prepared envelopes inside.

Be VERY careful to get the correct one.  This is why we made the small mark on it that we did.

Hold up the extracted E2 envelope and set E1 aside where the kids cannot see that it still has an envelope inside.

envelopes5The guards were terrified and now were gone but the angel wasn’t done yet!  He rolled away the big stone also.

Open E2 and pull out E3 labeled “TOMB” and set E2 aside.

But what about the tomb? Can Jesus escape the tomb also?

Open E3 and pull out E4 labeled “GRAVE CLOTHES” and set E3 aside.

And now, we shall see.  Did Jesus rise from the dead?

Slowly and very dramatically peel away the tape sealing the envelope and reveal that the envelope is EMPTY!

Jesus rose from the DEAD! HE IS ALIVE AND RISEN!

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2 Responses

  1. Paul McCulley says:

    I managed to pull this one off at Easter but barely. I didn’t pay attention to where I had just placed the envelope and so wasn’t sure which one to pull out. ???

    • I am so glad someone else has done that! I got myself in trouble once and pulled the wrong one and had to hurriedly put it back… lol.

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