Protection of the Holy Ghost (Tissue Version)


  • 2 Tissues, pieces of toilet paper, paper towel etc., with faces drawn on them, preferable in water-soluble marker
  • Large see-through pitcher 3/4 full of water
  • Clear glass or plastic cup
  • Towel


tissue1When you are filled with the Holy Ghost you are now a child of God and just like a parent takes care of their child and makes sure they are well taken care of, God does the exact same thing.  He will take care of His own.

Now this isn’t to say that bad things cannot happen to you but…

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Show the two tissue and explain that they are very similar but one has the Holy Ghost and one does not.  Take one of them and explain that since he / she is not protected by the Holy Ghost, when they enter into the world, they are vulnerable to its effects.

Dip the tissue directly into the container of water.  Let it soak for a minute and then pull it out and show what an absolute mess it has become.

Yikes! Without the protection of God, we can really be affected by the world around us.  But THIS guy…

Hold up the other tissue

Has repented of all of his sins, has been baptized in Jesus name and has received the gift of the Holy Ghost.  Jesus is living inside of his heart now and Jesus is going to be taking care of him.

Put tissue into the very bottom of the glass making sure that none of it is hanging down very far. Tilt it over and make sure it doesn’t fall out. It should be in the bottom of the glass tight enough so it stays there even when it is jostled a bit.

He is now protected by God and BY HIS HOLY WAY OF LIVING and those same influences that destroyed his friend now don’t mess up his walk with God.

Put the cup upside down into the pitcher of water as close to vertical as possible.  Push it down to the bottom of the pitcher and hold it there while you talk for a bit.

“As you can see, he is completely submerged.  We are IN the world but not OF the world!  Yes, we go to school, work and everything else in the world but we can still live for God without messing up.”

Pull the cup out, dry the outside with a towel and then pull out the tissue showing that it is completely dry and unaffected.

God WILL protect his people. You CAN live for God no matter what comes against you!

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