God Can Make You New – Memory Wire

What you need:


memorywire1This spring represents each of us.  We begin life normal, put together and happy but life has a way of pulling on us until we become changed and even deformed.

After a while we no longer resemble what we started out as and we have no more usefulness until we are put back together again.

If we try to do it ourselves

At this point, hand it to a student and ask them to put it back together again

We will never have success… only God can put us back together again. RESTORATION!

Option 1: Talk about repentance and baptism – when you are baptized, God takes away the sin that we have committed and we are just like new.

memorywire22 Cor 5:17 – Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

(Lower the spring into the hot water and watch it snap back to its original shape)

Option 2: Talk about the Holy Ghost and the power that it has to change us.  The Bible likens the Holy Ghost to fire.

memorywire3Acts 2:1-4 – 1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

(Use the lighter to heat the spring and watch it snap back to  shape!)

 Couple of things to note:

  1. The spring is not cheap.  One inch will cost you around $15 after shipping.
  2. Do not confuse the MEMORY wire (Nitinol wire) with MUSCLE wire… they are not the same thing.
  3. If you bend the wire to another shape and then heat the memory wire at 750 degrees for 5 minutes you can have the wire “memorize” the new shape.  I have NOT been able to test this though because I don’t have anything that can get that hot.  One day though…
  4. Don’t pull the spring TOO much when you are deforming it, especially on the ends because when you heat it up, it will contract but can twist up similar to how a slinky can have the twisted coils… it is a pain to undo.
  5. This particular wire is 98 degree wire which means that at 98 degrees or above it will begin to contract.  The hotter it gets the faster it will contract.  You can actually hold the spring in your hand and it will begin to contract just from your body heat but this does take some time.


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4 Responses

  1. Frances felix-vasquez says:

    This is one of my favorite object lessons! ??

  2. Paul McCulley says:

    The kids loved this one but I need to get the 98 degree wire so I can use the baptism lesson. I also discovered that you can stretch it too far or get it too hot and that messes it up a little.

    • This is one of my favorites… it seems magical. The 98 degree wire is cool because you can actually do it with the heat of your hand if you wait a bit. Super cool.

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